1987 Wentward DT40L
The Wentward DT40L is an American city bus produced by Wentward from 1987 - 1996. It was released with update 0.12.0 on April 3rd, 2018. It doesn’t have airbag suspension or operable doors. The Hero variant is equipped with a cape and JATO thrusters. The DT40L is used in the bus route stage, and the campaign Hustle and Bustle. There is also a bomb prop which only works in the Hustle and Bustle campaign. It has a full interior, and an engine. I do plan to make the ‘hero’, I’ve just not done it yet
Main Colour (only colour if unmarked)
Secondary Colour (Design Only)
Triary Colour (Design Only)
Wheel: 6 Spokes - Silver